Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Liver Cruise

Lucky for mom, she has been to all the places we have travelled SEVERAL times. I believe this was her twelfth time to Shanghai and third time to Chiang Mai. On this trip, we chose not to do all the same things that she had done before. Therefore, we went on a "Liver Cruise."

I normally don't enjoy making fun of people because they cannot pronounce a word correctly (you know me, every five minutes, I mispronounce a word or make one up), HOWEVER, the Liver Cruise was pretty funny. The word "liver" was as clear as could be - almost like the guides meant to pronounce it liver. It nearly killed me.

The cruise was lovely. I really enjoyed myself.

Hammocks are all over Thailand and Cambodia. This guy was just chillin' in the heat.

This green roofed boat was very similar to the one we were on.

Down town on the left and condos on the right.

Fisherman out trying to catch shrimp.

More condos. Apparently, a bachelor rents for about 12000 Thai Baht or $384 CAD for a month.

Housing on the other hand was much more expensive. If you wished to purchase this property, it costs 12 million Baht or about $420,000 CAD.

See the piece of white floating plastic? Gross. There was so much garbage floating in the river. No one was swimming in it despite the 40C + temperatures.

Monks out for lunch. According to Thai law, males must serve as a monk at the age of 21. Their service lasts 3 - 30 days.

This cute little house on the river rents for $875 a month.

A tiny pineapple. Very cute. We continued along the path after we saw it but thought the path looked a little snakey. Therefore, we cut our walk short and headed back to the boat. GOOD THING WE DID. A couple minutes later a woman got onto the boat going on and on about the snake she just saw up on the path. Sounded like the Thai equivallent to a garter snake. Counted my lucky stars I missed that!

Bananas from the safety of the boat.

The Princess's house. Someone donated it to one of the Princesses - I could handle that.

Local housing. That is a blue couch on the "front lawn."

That little pink blob on the river is a dead helium balloon. Please don't release helium balloons.

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